The worst at the price of the best!

Tianguis is a way for us to express the irony we face as designers, where we're expected to produce high-design products while compromising on quality and functionality for affordability. Our exhibition explores the tension between representation and exclusion, uniqueness and commonness, dignity and abuse, and preciousness versus the mundane.

Inspired by the iconic Santa Tere neighborhood in our hometown of Guadalajara, our exhibition celebrates everyday things that have become symbols of the area, such as the typical Sol table, the bucket, and the hanging shoes.

At SaloneSatellite, we reflect on our journey as designers and display a collection that shows our frustration with the pressure to make cheap items. We now adopt a perspective that challenges the pervasive desire for the best at the expense of the worst, neglecting the sacrifices inherent in producing budget-friendly goods. Moreover, we seize this opportunity to reevaluate our perception of Mexico's country and culture, acknowledging and elevating their intrinsic values.

Ultimately, our exhibition endeavors to illuminate the injustice and sorrow stemming from the disconnect between consumers seeking low prices and the harsh realities of production, perpetuating a cycle of inequality and exploitation.

© 2024 Viviane Hernandez Padilla & Armando Mora Medina. All rights reserved.